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Know. Like. Trust!

At Coolio, we 're all devoted to capture customers all over the world with our unique promotional cooling solution providing great impact and fun on the shop floor. With a continuous strive to find the right balance between communication power, innovation and efficiency, we developed the sustainable short-term refrigerating and communication tool, ideal for your product launches.

In the rapidly changing retail environment the relevance to the connected consumer is increasingly subject to challenge. Coolio™ finally closes the loop and supports Brands and Retailers via integrated new technology (s.a. LED, Wi-Fi, RfiD,...) connecting and informing the shopper on his trip to- and in-store.


We strive to offer flexible, moveable and targeted chilled solutions with a focus on sales impact and communication.
Contrary to our chilled product, we try to be a warm brand with a real relationship with our clients & partners, helping them to achieve their and our goals via shared knowledge and years of experience.

Coolio knowliketrust

We continuously focus on 5 key areas where we believe we can make a difference:
  • Captivating FMCG brands & retailers globally with high qualitative, standardized cooling solutions
  • Inspiring our customers with a unique & differentiated CoolioTM concept
  • Emphasizing on promotional aspect, proven by sales-uplifting executions in-store
  • Staying connected with consumers, brands & retailers
  • Advocating sustainable (and at the same time creative) promotional coolers
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Our clients
''By using a combination of Coolio with a roll banner we achieved results that lifted sales up 18 times.''
FrieslandCampinaJohan Elsinga, The Netherlands
Discover how we can put your fresh campaign into overdrive!
Contact us by phone at +32 (0)14 230 674, find a distributor near you or simply push contact for mail!